Saturday, June 2, 2012

Tone Deaf

As a hint, I have just in the Chinese class. Nothing can make you feel that the tone deaf and language less than than the Chinese faster. In addition to perhaps English, if you Chinese people are learning English as a Second Language. Sound is a flat, a bit high - "Mom, I'm going outside." Sound from low to high - "Ma did not hear I'm going outside now?" 3 audio-visual roller coaster (think Junior the sound through her ​​eyes, rolling after being told to go home 9:00, do not do any "sly" with her boyfriend) - "Ma!" If this analogy is not as you work, try to imagine the horror movie girl called uncertainty, her mother (almost certainly die in the top of the stairs) - "Ma" sound 4 the end of the outcome of a parameter, from high to low - "the horse get off my case."

Culinary Adventures of a Mandarin Chicken Hunter

It takes a special brand of courage to whip up a culinary masterpiece from a recipe that must first be translated into English from French. I take off my hat to the inimitable E McFinkerdink Fan, but I still think it may be intended to make shoes from chickens to sell to weary hunters who traipse through his dinner, when she is the subject of a sex change operation under the counter. I'm sure it could have been worse in Mandarin. I took lessons in Chinese, I'm sure I can now say: "Hello How is your cat I hear you already fly the plane in which the geometric lines are cut What color be your chips.?.». Or something. I am terribly BAD at it.